Health Matters

This category includes common ageing-related health information, such as chronic illnesses, diet, caregiving, and many more.

Prevention is better than cure, get health screening today

You are living a healthy lifestyle and diet, but that does not guarantee you will be healthy forever. You do not know whether you are at risk of certain diseases because of your genetic makeup or environmental exposure. Many diseases have higher occurrence as you age because you will be exposed to more risks, you […]

Prevention is better than cure, get health screening today Read More »

Why am I feeling chest pain and shortness of breath?

A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the heart, leading to one or more areas of the heart muscle not getting oxygen and nutrient supplies. The blockage could caused by a build-up of fatty deposits, including cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque and narrow the wall of heart arteries or block the small blood vessels entirely.

Why am I feeling chest pain and shortness of breath? Read More »