Salt and chronic conditions
Salt is commonly used in cooking to enhance flavour; it can also cause many chronic conditions such as kidney problems, heart diseases, stroke, and oedema.
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Salt is commonly used in cooking to enhance flavour; it can also cause many chronic conditions such as kidney problems, heart diseases, stroke, and oedema.
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To have a healthy and financially stable life at your older age, it is important to get rid of 3 habits, smoking, drinking, and gambling.
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Chronic illnesses are conditions that are lasting for a long period (usually a year and more), requiring long-term medications. Some could limit Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and generally affect your Quality of Life (QoL).
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A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the heart, leading to one or more areas of the heart muscle not getting oxygen and nutrient supplies. The blockage could caused by a build-up of fatty deposits, including cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque and narrow the wall of heart arteries or block the small blood vessels entirely.
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Hypertension also known as high blood pressure, it is a chronic medical condition in which the heart is pounding stronger to supply oxygen and nutrient to whole body, but blood vessels are narrow because of blockage or increased viscosity in blood leading to persistently elevated blood pressure.
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A stroke can happen when the blood vessels or capillaries in the brain is blocked or rupture, leading to the interruption or reduction of blood supply to part of your brain, causing a cut of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissue, within minutes, the brain cells go into shock and begin to die.
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Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, it is a chronic metabolic disease that caused by impairment in sugar processing (by insulin) in the body and thus causing high sugar content circulating in the blood stream (hyperglycemia).
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Dementia is a generic term that is used to describe a range of symptoms associated with cognitive and behavioural impairment. Some people with dementia cannot even control their emotions, and some may encounter personality change. Dementia could affect your social life and relationships with family.
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